Download the Course Guide (1:00)
Download the Course Guide
This Course Guide gives you an overview of the entire lesson plan with a summary of each section and a description of the content type of each lesson.
To download this guide, you will need the UNIQUE ID that you received by email after submitting the form on the "Tell us about your event" page.
That UNIQUE ID will unlock all of the downloadable elements of this course, including:
- Roles & Responsibilities roster
- Content Manager Instructions
- Chat Promoter prep sheet
- Chat Promoter Gold Standard Example
- Timeline Spreadsheet
- Script template
- Pre-roll Powerpoint template
- Main Event Powerpoint template
- Post-roll Powerpoint template
- Tips for presenters
- Contingency Plan Worksheet
- Strategy Meeting checklist
- Practice Session checklist
- Final Details Call checklist
- Dress Rehearsal checklist
- Day-of-Event checklist
- Live Auction slide template
- Paddle Raiser levels slide template
Please fill out the form below to receive our Virtual Gala at Home Course Guide.
REMINDER: When you're done with this lesson, click "Complete & Continue" in the upper right corner.